Being a mum is hard enough, but being a busy mama with a full time job, a business, a hobby, your husband and home, yourself and your baby, is a crazy rollercoaster of emotions and and a schedule that might not look or feel glamorous but you can still stay sane and happy.
As a busy mama myself I can definitely say I learnt things the hard way and there weren’t many people in my immediate surroundings that were going through what I was going through (or so I thought.)
Below is a simple guide from one Leona Mama to another of how to stay sane with an insane schedule.
1. Keep a Schedule & Plan your day
Easier said than done I KNOW. But this is one of the simplest ways to not forget things. I believe in brain fog, it's a real thing. And so keeping a schedule whether hung up on the wall or on your phone, or even a to do list helps keep you sane and helps you remember the chores of the day.
The first thing I do in the morning while I'm having breakfast is write down the chores and tasks of the day, that makes you use your time more efficiently and not feel as overwhelmed.
2. DO NOT Procrastinate
I’m too tired. Not now I just came home. I’ll finish this when baby takes a nap. So many valid excuses, to make you procrastinate, but none of them are good enough to keep you sane. Laundry, dishes, putting things away, tidying your bed in the morning, picking up your kiddos toys, sending that email and the list goes on. The more you push it off the more they will pile up. (No one is perfect, there are days where I will kick my feet up and call it a day even though I still have things to do) But here are some tricks to stay on top of things:
Back to point 1: Write a to do list- Allocate time for everything you need to do and stick with it!
Wash dishes as you go along, don’t wait until they are a large load.
Fold laundry as soon as it is out of the dryer - This helps you not need to iron, and add dryer sheets that help reduce wrinkles.
Make your bed as soon as you wake up
Wake Up BEFORE your Kiddo is awake - this gives you time to write your to do list, catch up on emails, make breakfast & more importantly drink coffee.
Do not push things to the end of the day when you can’t be bothered - Wake up earlier, get things like laundry, tidying the living room, & washing dishes done, before you leave for work! That way you come back to a clean home and you feel more productive!
4. Take care of YOU & Destress
You want to stay sane? You want to be happy? Being there for your family is important, but you won’t be able to provide them emotional support if you are feeling drained and unhappy yourself.
I've been there, I am too tired to smile in my child's face, or a speak to my husband. This has been happening more than I would like to admit especially since I got pregnant the second time.
But! Having an hour or 2 a week for you is EXTREMELY important!
Pamper yourself at home, a hot shower, your favorite face mask, Or just have a cup of hot coffee or tea and your favorite tv show.
Head to the salon get a head massage, or your nails done.
Have a girls night once a week, no kids, no husbands just you and your favourite Leona's
Sleep!! A simple way to feel better? Get enough hours of sleep and automatically you will feel the difference.
For me? A night time routine was EVERYTHING. After putting my toddler to bed, I take time to unwind and do a full blown out face night time routine and somedays I'll even light some candles and fill the tub with warm water and de-stress.
Feel good for you and your family will feel the difference. DO NOT feel guilty for taking some you time, you and your partner are in this together and nothing is tougher than taking EVERYTHING on your shoulder alone. Which brings us to my next point..
5. Speak to your partner
Be vocal about your feelings, he won’t be able to change or help if he doesn’t know. Speak up and tell him you’re tired, tell him you need some alone time even if it's just to go to the bathroom for 20 minutes. You are in this together and he will usually take on more than you think he might, and dad’s love spending time with the kiddos too, don’t forget that.
6. Become Tech Savvy
I wanted to be a super mum and cook all my meals at home, and be fully organized and on top of things. But it’s not all that simple. Having a toddler and being pregnant with baby #2 has gotten me feeling overwhelmed, and between work, my business and home, it has left me feeling defeated.
One of the simplest ways to resolve this is become more tech savvy. Use all the applications in the market, there are so many options that help you stay sane. If you are on a budget, choose them wisely!
Here are some to consider:
Just Clean (Laundry) - Laundry services, with all the laundries under one roof, get them to help you. We order our laundry service for the clothing pieces that would take long to iron or longer to dry (NOT ALL LAUNDRY). We have scheduled them in for a once a week pick up and drop off to ensure we don't forget!
Diet Care (Food) - A healthy option for pre prepared meals. Instead of spending money for a family of 3 on groceries, spend it on ready made meals!
Home Center (Lifestyle) - Anything I need for the house, I order and pick it up. This has been a game changer for me especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. I have ordered jars, boxes, sheets, covers, toys .. anything you can think of.
Alyna (Home Cleaning) - For a very good price, you can subscribe to a cleaning company with your specialized cleaning lady at your doorstep. I would schedule a cleaning day every week for a month and pay as I go. You can change the days you need them to come and the number of hours. I schedule them to come twice a week for 3 hours!
7. Cut Yourself Some Slack
Despite your best efforts, being a mama is tough and being a busy mama is even tougher. You might feel defeated sometimes, but remember that your tiny family doesn’t need a lot to be happy, and you ARE doing enough, and you ARE a Lioness in every right! Subscribe to our blog and we will be your constant reminder of how powerful women are, we are LEONA's and we stand together!